
Note:  Registered users are entitled to updates for one year. ($89/year after the 1st year).
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  • 07/21/2024 v.1.0.3781 * Added an option to the Bookings Detail Reports to “Not Show Property Sub-totals”. This is useful for comparing totals with Airbnb’s monthly reports. * Added an “App Notes” button to the Properties form to encourage using App Notes. * Fixed an issue when copying Fees or Commissions to other properties when there are 2 or more records with the same Fee Type or Contact Name. * The Cleaning Schedule Reports form now displays if the report is set to “Auto-update to the web”. * Rearraged some columns in the Alerts Manager form. * Added options to: “Preview Email”, and “Go to Email Template” to the “Run Query” button when editing [SendList] type Custom Alerts. * The Comparative Performance Report has a new option to “Show (Not Limited) also”, which effectively combines 2 reports into 1 for more detailed analysis. * Protecting Private View web pages now works on all web servers. * Property Web Pages now always include a background photo in the Property Info page photo slider. The photo can be overridden if needed in the Web Post tab. * The web Search Widget now has a Gray gradiant background color and a few other minor improvements. * Made a small change to Web Calendars to only show 1 disabled color on previous dates.
  • 07/7/2024 v.1.0.3772 * There’s a new [SendList …] option when creating Custom Alerts. This allows Auto-sending Emails with an attached list of Bookings (in CSV format). The Data to include and when to generate the Email can be specified in the Custom Alert. See Help topic: “Scheduling Email and Texts using Custom Alerts”. * Reports can now be scheduled using 2 different methods. See Help topic: “Scheduling Reports”. * A new PDF tool has been implemented which solves some formatting issues with the previous one. * Reworded some options in the Web toolbar button, and added confirmations when using the “Regardless if changed” options. * Made some improvements to the Html Editor. * In the Property Group web search page, the “Show More/Less” button now toggles only a single property, instead of all properties.
  • 06/17/2024 v.1.0.3768 * The Housekeeping Report now allows report Preview even if the “Web Cleaning List” options are selected. * The button to Delete Property Web Site (in the Properties form > Web Post tab), now works even if the property is already set to Inactive. * You can now optionally Purge a Property Group website of any obsolete files, when Posting a Group, even if you have multiple Groups defined. * Fixed a minor issue with the website Search Widget.
  • 06/2/2024 v.1.0.3764 * The Searchable Group Web page has a new option to search by “Property Type” (ex. Condo, House, etc). * Fixed a recent issue in the Bookings form Timeline when filtering on a single property. * Rearranged the Tools menu. * Updated the App Lock feature (in the Tools menu). * The Tiered Rates calculation option was updated to account for when Weekly rates are not defined. * You can now optionally send emails via Channel Messaging from the Alerts form, (if the Booking is from Airbnb or Booking.com). * Added option to “Send Email (via SMS Text)” when sending emails from Bookings and other forms. This can be used if a guest does not provide an email. * Resolved ability to update the web if Harp1.com is temporarily down. * Added Total Tax amount to the private view data export. * Corrected an issue when grid column widths are adjusted to 0 in the Bookings form.
  • 05/4/2024 v.1.0.3754 * Sorting on different columns within the Bookings form is much faster now when there’s a large number of bookings. * The Comparative Performance Report now includes totals for all properties at the bottom when using the “Show Each Property” option. * Corrected an issue when double-clicking on the Timeline header in the Booking form. * Added Contact Types to the Contacts form > Filter drop-down in the top right corner. Did the same for the Tenants form. * Updated the links to VRBO listings when using the Web-Links buttons in order to accommodate VRBO’s recent changes to the URL’s. * Added a “Last Contact Date” column to the Contacts form, which shows the latest of: (the 2 Sent dates, and the 2 Campaign Sent dates). This allows sorting on the Last Contact Date (for example, to see which Owners you may wish to contact). * When Importing Bookings, and only 1 booking was imported, the Booking will proceed to Post automatically. Otherwise it displays the list of pending reservations, as usual.
  • 04/22/2024 v.1.0.3751 * When doing the “Update-All” feature in the Properties form, you can now optionally “Select Properties” that you wish to update, (rather than having to set a Filter first). * Added a new option (in the top “Web” button) to: “Post All Group and Property Web page – in a Separate Window”. This allows running the Post All update without having to wait for it to finish. * Solved an issue when sending emails using Outlook, where Outlook did not remember the previous message window size and position. * Panorama Photos now display as “slide-able” photos in the first page of property web pages. (They previously only did this in the Photos page). * Corrected an issue where certain messages would display in the Floating Calendar (if it was open) after sending emails from the Bookings form.
  • 04/9/2024 v.1.0.3744 * You can now set a ‘Minimum Daily (Floor) Rate’ (in the Properties form > Misc 2 tab). This can be used to prevent Automatic Adjustments from going below a Minimum Rate. * Rates Sharing can now go up to 2 levels in the sharing hierarchy. * There is a new ‘Short Title’ option for Airbnb’s 50 char Title limit (in the Properties form > Web tab). * There is a new ‘Base Price Override’ option for Airbnb (in the Properties form > Notes > Display Notes). * Special Cleanings (which have the checkbox checked next to the ckin / ckout times in the Bookings form, will now show an asterisk (*) on that day in the web cleaning lists. * The top Help button > About VRP option now shows when the next support/updates renewal date is due. * Fixed option in the Properties form > Photos tab > “Rental Pics Sub-folder” link on left side.
  • 03/16/2024 v.1.0.3739 * The Web Cleanings List now includes an asterisk (*) in the Timeline for days which have a Cleaning Note or a Prep Note. This can help alert cleaners to click on the cleaning day in order to view the cleaning notes. * Fixed an issue when reporting Additional Cleaning type cleanings. * The Bookings Detail Report has a new option to: “Prorate Payments Received”. This can be useful for trust account reconciliation. * In the Properties form > Interface > Instant Quotes tab, the “First Bookable Day” has a new option for: “7 days”. * The Bookings form Timeline has a new checkbox column, which allows toggling the “Show Rates” option for individual Properties. * You can now automatically change the Default Workflow Templates in the Bookings form, based on the Ad Source. See Help topic: “Setting Default Templates” for more info.
  • 02/04/2024 v.1.0.3729 * When sending emails, or messages via SMS or channel messaging, there is a new button in the message preview form called: “Remembered Texts”. This button allows defining and recalling different texts for re-use. These Remembered Texts can also have Placeholders. * When Right-clicking on various text fields (such as: the Email text in Templates, Property descriptions, User-defined notes, etc.), there is a new option to: “Find and Replace Text for All Records Listed”. This is similar to the “Update All” feature. However, rather than replacing the entire text, it allows replacing specific text within each field. * Added a “Flags” button to the Bookings form > Misc tab, which allows changing the custom Flag Names. * Add a “Customize Info Field Names” button to the Properties form > Notes > User-defined Notes tab. Added the same button to the Expenses form > Notes tab.
  • 01/25/2024 v.1.0.3726 * In the Expenses form, any Reminders for a -Not specified- Property are now included when viewing expenses for Active properties or Inactive properties. These Reminders are also now included in the Alerts form. * Added a new option in the Rates form > Options button to: “Show Last Update Dates for Rates and Rates Sharing”. * In the Alerts form, you can now select multiple “Send email/text” type alerts and set a Dummy Sent date (to turn off the alerts, without sending). * When selecting Amenities in the Properties form, you can now right-click in any column and select Filter options, which can make it easier to find amenities. You can also access these right-click filter options when selecting Properties for Reports, and various other places where you can select multiple items. * Solved a new issue when using wpengine web servers using SFTP. * Single clicking the Red “Ret to” button in the top of the Bookings form (after a Find All) will now also return to the last selected “View-by” setting.
  • 01/10/2024 v.1.0.3721 * The Send Bulk Email options (in the Bookings, Tenants, and Contacts forms) have been reworked to minimize the number of prompts displayed. * The Properties form > Options button has a new option to: “Show all Owners for the Properties currently listed”. This allows sending Bulk email to active owners, or a list of owners for a specific Properties filter. * Solved an intermittent error when multiple people are running the web updater simultaneously. * When selecting the option to “Show This Booking’s Rates” or “Show Rate Calculation” in the Bookings form for dates which are booked, there are 2 new options to: “Include Auto-Rate Adjustments” and “Include Temporary Override % Adjustments” in the displayed rates. (Normally these Adjustments are not included when displaying rates for booked days). * The “Exchange Values” icon (to the right of the Phone numbers and Email addresses in the Tenants and Contacts forms) has 2 additional options for exchanging the values when there are multiple phones or emails involved. This helps when people change their email addresses or phone numbers.
  • 01/3/2024 v.1.0.3715 * The Tenant Options button (and the Info Bar) in the Bookings form includes a new option to “Paste Email Address into Tenant from the Windows clipboard”. The option appears when the Tenant’s Email is empty, and the clipboard contains an Email address. (This avoids having to open the Tenants form to set the Email address). * The Tenant Options button (and Info Bar) also includes a new option to “Text Tenant using SMS”. (Rather than having to click the “Call or Text” option first).* The Alerts form now shows different selection checkboxes for the “Send” type alerts vs. “Cleaning due” alerts. * When double-clicking on days in the Bookings form Timeline and selecting “Add a Temporary Daily Rate Override”, there is a new option to “Reuse the previous Master Share-from Temporary Adjustment”, if one already exists. This allows easily shifting the previous Master Share-from Temporary Adjustment forward to the new starting date.
  • 12/29/23 v.1.0.3706 * The Alerts form now allows selecting multiple Cleanings that are due (via the checkbox column), and setting their status to “Cleaned”. * Fixed a form size scaling issue in the User-defined Query form. * Added a calculated “Average Daily Rate” display to the Properties form > Notes > Display Notes tab, and also to the Property Rates form. This Average Daily Rate is now used as the “Base Price” in the BookingPal and Airbnb Interfaces (instead of the lowest rate which was used previously). * The “Info Bar” in the Bookings form now includes the “Booked Date” for quick reference. * Web and Interface updates are much faster now. Document and Email Templates processing has also been improved. * The “Rental Pics Sub-folder” specified in the Property Photos, and Site and Location Photos pages, now allows multi-level sub-folders.
  • 12/2/23 v.1.0.3705 * Property Photo pop-up displays are now 30% larger. * Various minor improvements and web page enhancements. * In the Expenses form > New button, there’s a new option to “Create a New Reminder”. * Added 2 new buttons in the Bookings form, next to the Rate, for “Lock in Amounts” and “Save Totals to Note”. * The Bookings form and Rates form Timelines now display the Adjustment percentage value of any Master Share-from Rates within the Orange bar at the top. * When sending a channel message using a Template which has a Document attached, you will be prompted with an option to upload the Document to your website and include a link in the message text. (This is useful if an Airbnb guest does not provide their email address). * The Info bar in the Bookings form now includes “(ALERT)” if the Tenant is flagged to Alert upon booking. The Info bar also shows the (number of Bookings) if the Tenant has more than 1 booking. * Double-clicking on Canceled bookings while the “Show Rates” option is on, will now select the booking if it is not already selected.
  • 11/13/23 v.1.0.3696 * When updating the 1st Photo in the Property Photos page, you are now prompted if you want to update the “Doc Photo” also with the same photo. (Since most users use the same photo for both). * Some minor web page improvements. The Legend no longer shows on Calendar web pages, unless the Show Tentative Dates option is used. * Photo Descriptions now show with photos in the Property Info web page, (not just in the Photos web page). * Photo pop-ups in the Properties form are now higher resolution. * When clicking on Photo #1 on the Photos page, there is a new option to “Copy Photo #1 to the Doc Photo”. * When clicking on any Photo, a photo pop-up will appear next to the menu (if the “Show Pop-ups” option is turned off). * In the Properties form > Interface > Terms and Text page, the “House Rules” has been expanded to 150 characters to match VRBO’s recent changes.
  • 10/30/23 v.1.0.3688 * Several enhancements for selecting photos: Eight additional Photo slots have been added to the Properties form. You can now Drag and Drop Photos from Windows File Explorer onto any Photos page. There is a new ‘Expand’ button on the Property Photos page. You can now specify the ‘Rental Pics’ Sub-folder for each Property, Site and Location (in the Photos pages), which avoids having to select the Myfiles folder when selecting images. Panorama photos are now included when sending photos to Channels. * The Options button in the Properties form has a new option to: “Copy All Photos to Selected Properties…”. * When Dragging and Dropping Photos from Windows File Explorer, there is a new option to: “Insert” or “Replace” photos. * Added an “Expand” button to the Site and Location Photos form.
  • 10/20/23 v.1.0.3680 * Since Airbnb stopped providing guest email addresses (as of Oct 1, 2023), there is a new Template (_Sample SMS to Request Email Addr) that you can use to request the guest email by sending an SMS text (or using Airbnb messaging). There is also a new Custom Alert “[Send _SmsReqEm] _SAMPLE” which can be used to auto send the SMS email request from the Alerts. * The link to the BookingPal Channel Connector (in the top Web button) has been updated to avoid the intermittent 404 error page. * There is a new feature to send Airbnb Messages to guests directly from VRP. (See Help on Channel Messaging). * A link to “Define Custom Alerts” was added to the Alerts form. * When using the [PromptAlert] Placeholder Option in templates, a new “Skip Send” option will appear if you are sending multiple emails or texts.
  • 9/11/23 v.1.0.3674 * Added Total Revenue amount to the Private View Avails Data Export. * Added a new option to both: the Property Statement and Booking Charts & Detail Reports, to “Adjust Tax and Other Commissions for Subtracted from Revenue (Sub-Rev) Commissions”. * Disabled the “Add Temporary Override Rate” option (when Double-clicking on days in the Bookings form Timeline), if the user does not have privilege to update Property info. * Increased the SFTP Idle Timeout to prevent FTP from disconnecting when there are lots of properties to spin through. * Added a new sample “Custom Alert” to Remind the cleaner on the morning of scheduled cleanings. * Added the option to export G/L transactions to the “GnuCash” accounting software. * Web pages were updated to accommodate Google Analytics 4 tracking. * When the Show Rates option is checked in the Bookings form, rates will now show on top of Canceled bookings also.
  • 8/1/23 v.1.0.3666 * When a Booking has a prior CC Declined payment, a message will show on the Billing Info tab reminding you as such. * The Properties form > Interface tab, now remembers and automatically opens the last sub-tabs selected. * In the Properties form, BookingPal Interface settings, the small Globe button on the right has a new option to “Compare the Calendar in BP with VRP. This can be used if needed, to verify the calendars match. * When adding Bookend Blockouts in the Bookings form, a warning will popup if you already have Automatic Bookend Blockouts set for the property (since these are redundant). * You can now Delete Temporary Override Rate Adjustments directly from the Bookings form when Double-clicking on days that already have these rates, and selecting to “Add a Temporary Daily Rate Override”. (It will allow Deleting the existing rate if one already exists).
  • 7/21/23 v.1.0.3664 * When “% Adjustment Rates” are defined for the Master Share-from Property, an Orange bar will now appear in the Bookings form Timeline above those dates. This allows you to easily see where Master Rate Adjustments are in effect. * When rates are displayed in a popup message for a specific date, the Rate Name is now included, (such as in the Floating Calendar and when Double-clicking on days in the Bookings Timeline). * The Bookings form now shows the number of “Days until check-in” next to the Check-in date. * Added an option to “Delete Temporary Override Rates” from All properties up through a specific year (in the Rates form > Copy, Delete or Adjust Rates” button.
  • 7/7/23 v.1.0.3658 * Several updates were made to web pages, including the ability to display Property Group pages within your website without using iFrames. * You can now quickly add “Temporary Override” Rates, (by Double-clicking on Open Days in the Bookings form Timeline). This is an easy way to quickly adjust rates for open days (even after Auto-Rate Adjustments). This feature is also available in the Property Rates form. * You can now add “Temporary Override”, “% Adjustment” rates to the “Master Share-from Property”. This allows quickly adjusting rates for specific dates across ALL Properties. * When moving the Bookings form Timeline forward or backward, the currently selected Property row will now stay in its relative position, rather than focusing back on the current Booking’s Property row. * The “Show Rates” checkbox in the Bookings form has been changed so that Rates will now show on each Property row when it is clicked on, rather than just the currently selected Booking’s Property row.
  • 6/21/23 v.1.0.3653 * In the Property Groups form > Web Overrides tab there are 2 new options to override the “Site” and “Category” selection names used in the search widget. * When the Bookings form is left open overnight, it will now prompt with an option to “Click Today for me” (if possible), in order to reset the timeline. * The web Search Widget now shows the “Site” selection on top, instead of having to click “More Search Options”. * When Saving a Booking, it no longer prompts if this is a “HomeAway Lead” Booking. Instead, you can simply change the “Ad Source” if it’s a “HomeAway Lead” Booking. * Panorama property photos can now be either Full 360 degrees (horizontal), or less than 360 degrees. Less than 360 degree photos will not wrap all the way around when panning left or right. * When Saving Properties, it now checks the Property Name and Title for words with All Caps, or Excessive Punctuation, (since these are not allowed by Airbnb now).
  • 6/10/23 v.1.0.3648 * Panorama Photos can now be selected in the Property Photos (and Sites and Locations). These photos will display on your website only (not VRBO, Airbnb, etc). Panorama photos can be taken with almost any phone or camera, and are an easy way to allow guests to see a 360 degree view of rooms, the yard, deck, beach, park, etc. See Example here. * Added an option to “Show All Bookings with Payments Due” to the Alerts form > “Go To” button, when on a Payment Due alert. * Added an option in the User-Defined Queries form > “Run Query” button, to “Run Query and Export Results”, as a shortcut to Exporting Results with fewer prompts.
  • 5/22/23 v.1.0.3644 * Added a direct link to the Airbnb Reservation, to the Tenant Options button in the Bookings form. Added an option to “Copy the email address stored in the Booking to the Tenant” when the document processor detects that the 2 email addresses are different. This will avoid the prompt the next time an email is sent. Solved an intermittent issue where a prompt about “Un-cancelling a booking” was incorrectly appearing when changing the status in a booking. * Added 2 shortcut links to the left side of the Photos page in the Properties form, to quickly go to the “Site” and “Location” Photos for the selected Property. * Added the option to “Lock-in Amounts” to the “eyeball” button next to the Rate in the Bookings form to make it easier to access this option. * When hovering the mouse over the Check-in Date field in the Bookings form, the number of days until Check-in is displayed, which can be useful at times.
  • 4/30/23 v.1.0.3641 * Additional improvements were made to the photo sliders in the Property and Group web pages. You can also optionally specify a background image for the Sliders (in the Group or Properties forms > Web Post tab). * The menu bar in Property web pages is now a “sticky” menu which does not scroll off the page, (when Property pages are displayed in a separate Browser window). * Changed the “Back” button in the menu bar, so that it returns to the first page of the property, if not currently on the first page. Also, allowed the Background Photo in the Properties form > Web Post tab to be specified for individual Properties, regardless if the option to “Use Property Group’s Colors” is selected. (Examples Here and Here). Property web pages are now opened in a separate browser window. (Same as VRBO, Airbnb, etc). This option can be turned off in the Property Groups form if needed.
  • 4/16/23 v.1.0.3630 * Improvements were made to Property web pages, including a full-width photos slider at the top, new fonts, updated photos page, etc. (Example Here). (After updating, do: Post All Group/Property web pages from the top Web button). * Fixed an issue when Double-clicking on open days within the Bookings form Timeline to create Blockout bookings. * The {@R} option in the Check-in/out Day rules (Properties form > Interface > Instant Quotes tab) has been improved. * Changed the Property Rates form so when double-clicking on Blocked dates in the timeline, it will also include any Tentative bookings (in case the Property is set to Block dates for Tentative bookings).
  • 3/20/23 v.1.0.3622 * In the Contacts form > Misc tab, there is a new option which allows including additional info in the Owner’s Private View Bookings List. You can also disable the list for specific owners.
  • 2/26/23 v.1.0.3621 * You can now optionally archive old data for “Active” properties if needed (in addition to Inactive properties). * Added a new “-6” option to the “Send Welcome Info / Confirmation” Reminder (in the Properties form > Misc > Reminders), which will trigger the alert after the first payment is made (or when the reservation is booked if no payments are scheduled). * Added an “Is OK?” sample template, which can be used to ask guests if everything is ok. (Click “Import Sample Templates” button in the Templates form). This template can be used along with the sample [Send Is OK?] Custom Alert (see the Tools menu). * Fixed a recent error message when importing iCal calendars.
  • 2/22/23 v.1.0.3620 * In the Bookings form, the “Show Rates” checkbox now has 2 options (Show rates for Select Properties, or Show rates for All Properties). The first option is faster. * When posting property web pages, any duplicate photos (which were skipped) are now displayed in the posting results. * Added links (in the Help button at the top), to the VRP website Updates page, and Status page. * When double-clicking on an open day in the Bookings form View by Property Timeline, there’s a new option to “Show Rates for this Property”, which will display the rates for each open day. (This is alternative to using the “Show Rates” checkbox option, which allows showing rates only when you need to see them).
  • 2/13/23 v.1.0.3617 * The Properties form has a new “History” checkbox (in the Property Info page), which can be used to hide Inactive Properties from various Property selections throughout the App, which you seldom reference. * The “Purge Bookings and Expenses” option (in the File menu > Database Admin Tools), now allows “Archiving” purged Bookings and Expenses. This allows viewing archived data anytime (via the Tools menu), rather than having to restore from a Backup. * The Properties form > Notes page > User-defined Notes, has 3 new user-defined Flags that can be used for any purpose. Names for the Flags can be set (in System Preferences). * The 3 Flags in the Bookings form were moved to the Misc page. Names for these Flags can also be set (in System Preferences).
  • 1/20/23 v.1.0.3615 * The “Lock App” feature (in the Tools menu) can now force users out when they have a report preview or a prompt dialog open, (when using the “Force users out” option). Web Group pages which use the “Search format without a map” option, (or when a guest clicks “Hide Map”), will now show 2 or 3 columns, depending on the page width. Resolved an issue when generating a MS Word documents, due to a recent MS Office update. Resolved an intermittent issue when Saving a new Filter in the Bookings form. * When un-canceling a booking, any deleted reminders and scheduled cleanings are restored.
  • 1/09/23 v.1.0.3609 * The Bookings form has a new “Show Rates” checkbox, which displays daily rates within the Timeline. In the Property Rates form (and Bookings form), double-clicking on rates in the Timeline has a new option to “Show Rate Calculation”. This shows how the rate (and min. nights) were calculated on that day, including any Auto-adjustments, Temporary Overrides, etc. * The Bookings Chart and Detail Report has a new option (in the Parameters 4 tab) to run multiple reports together, or separately. * In Reports, when saving Report Parameters it now prompts to save as New or to Replace, if existing report parameters with the same name already exist. * In the Bookings form, the Show Rates option is only enabled now if the Filter is set to Current & Future Bookings. This makes Find and other Filters faster, when showing Rates are not needed.
  • 1/5/23 v.1.0.3600 * The Property Rates form provides a new “Rate Option” type called “% Adjustment”. This can be used to easily adjust rates for any rate period by a Percentage, without changing the underlying rates. For example, you could bump a holiday period up to 130%. Or discount a slow period to 90%. See Help on Property Rates for more info. * In both the Bookings form and Property Rates form, you can now double-click on any open days and select “Set Begin Date of Range”, and then double-click on an End date. This lets you visually select dates, and create or modify bookings (or rates) directly from the Timeline. You can also do the same by clicking on the dates in the Timeline “header”. * In the Property Rates form, there is a new Temporary Override (TmpOv) option to “Skip both Rates and Min Nights Auto-Adjustments”.
  • To view updates prior to 2023Click Here.